It may come as a surprise to hear that there is a connection between oral health and mental health, but according to a new study, young adults who suffer from depression may be at a higher risk of oral health diseases. Why is this the case? And what is the significance of this finding? Read on to find out more about the recent study…
What did the study find?
The research was published in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology and was conducted by scientists who monitored both the mental and oral health of more than 500 people from birth until the age of 30 years old. According to the findings of the research, those who suffer from feelings of sadness and other symptoms of depression are almost 20 percent more likely to have severe gum disease.
What does it mean?
The research made a connection between depression and the body’s ability to fight inflammation, a symptom commonly associated with gum disease. Additionally, the study suggests that those who suffer from symptoms of depression tend to be more likely to neglect their oral health, while the condition can also lead to a range of other issues that can affect the health of the teeth and gums, including eating disorders and dental anxiety. The research highlights the fact that oral health and overall wellbeing are linked, and that support, education and care are essential when it comes to both oral and mental health, especially as depression is so prevalent in today’s world.
Why should we care?
According to Beyond Blue, an organisation that provides information and support for those affected by mental illness in Australia, three million Australians are currently suffering from anxiety or depression. One in four young people experiences a mental health condition and suicide is the leading cause of death for Australians aged 15 to 24.
Given these statistics, the chances are high that you know someone suffering from depression or anxiety. If a mental health issue is affecting your or a family member’s oral health, we encourage you to get in touch. We offer sedation dentistry for our patients who suffer from dental anxiety, plus general preventative care that will help you to prevent future oral health problems.
We want to make every patient feel at ease and have a pleasant experience at our practice. If you haven’t been in for a check-up in a while, we encourage you to get in touch to arrange an appointment.